Inspiration: A Fuel to Success

2 min readApr 7, 2021

Different people have a different way to take inspiration, some people took inspiration when they encountered an individual having better threats than him/her, some look the sad back as their opportunity to bounce back while there are people with a golden heart who took inspiration from even the smallest creature, so what’s your mantra for inspiration?

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As you grow up, your heart dies, out of all the goals you once’s set is started to reach the verge of vanishing. Did you know why? because people started to forget to refill the fuel, A fuel which is called inspiration, A fuel which let them set the goal in their initial days when they dreamt of that goal. Your passion for your goal suddenly started to decline as every night goes. You don't find a passion you grow your passion and this growth requires inspiration.

A 10-minute motivational video can turn your focus right back to your goals but for how long? A day or a couple of days, this is called temporary motivation. This temporary motivation is good if your goal is not large enough. This kind of motivation diminished after a first failure and people started to explore new paths. There are two types of people one those who compromise with their goal and the other are those who are self-inspired. You commonly witness this during the student’s life when they prepare for a competitive exam, a majority of a student has a dream of getting admission in prestigious colleges but after the result, if they did not succeed they change their mind and switch to the field which they never found interest in and got trapped in a never-ending loop and other categories student keep on attempting till they succeed, they are filled with so much inspiration, even you can experience the vibes when they are around you.

How to keep your Inspiration strong? Whenever you feel like you are losing interest, keep reminding yourself of the day when you first decide to take that goal, remind yourself about the vibes that driven you that day, remind yourself with all the sacrifices you made till now for that goal, and importantly how your life makes a 360 degree turn when you accomplish what you want.




Student who believe in hard work.